Rhema was breech the entire pregnancy up until 37wks. I did a ton of exercises (called "spinning babies") as well as saw a chiropractor. I was starting to get concerned right at 37wks when she hadn't flipped yet, and after much prayer, (along with the other stuff I mentioned previously!) in the middle of the night I felt her turn transverse. Then after getting adjusted by the amazing Larissa, my chiro, she flipped all the way head down! But she was posterior, which is also called "sunny side up." Meaning her spine was to my spine. So when pre-labor began on the day I turned 40wks, it was painful back labor. I can't find the picture of it, but while I was stretching trying to get her to turn, and trying to manage the back labor pains, my 2yr old son, Gideon, sat directly in front of me with his guitar, serenading me. He sang one song called "My Dear" by Bethel, that says this:
"You're everything I ever wanted, everything I ever needed. You're everything I ever wanted, everything I ever needed. And I...Looooove you my dear. And I...loooove you my dear, my dear."
One of my favorite moments, that I will cherish forever.
So, back labor continued for two full days. It got so intense the second day, I thought for sure she was coming soon! Then my labor stalled. I was still having Braxton hicks, which were intense at times, but that was it. It was pretty frustrating. Needless to say, I did everything I could to induce labor again. At 41wks plus 1day I went in for another appointment. Cindi and I agreed it would be a good idea to strip my membranes. Pre-labor began within an hour, and continued...all through the night. My mom came over to be with me that evening, in case I needed help with the kids. I called Cindi, and we monitored my contractions, and waited. Cindi commented on how I was laughing, and that I wasn't ready to go in yet. (In my defense, I actually continued to laugh during breaks between contractions. I just can't help it!) When we realized my contractions were slowing down, (from 5 mins apart to 8-10 mins apart.) Cindi suggested I get some sleep. She waited for me at the birth center all night, just in case, though. My mom went home around 2:00am, and I went to bed. However, even though my contractions were further apart, they grew stronger and more intense. I labored in my bed all through the night, and slept between contractions. In the morning I felt like "it was time to go" but didn't want to wake my husband and kids too early...so I let them sleep. Not too much later they all woke up, and I informed my husband he should start getting them ready to go. Cindi called me and asked how I was doing. She wanted me to come in just to check me and see where we were at. So we headed that way. Of course, we stopped at sonic first. ;) That drive was killer. Contractions when everything is still = manageable. Contractions in the car = dying.
When we got there, my sister and mom were waiting for us, to help with the kids, and be there for me. So thankful for their love and support. Cindi checked me and I will never forget her response:
"Ummm....I can't find your cervix. I'm going to have to stay here for a contraction, to make sure."
After the contraction: "You're fully dilated."
To (my husband) Jeremy: "Call your birth photographer, and tell them they need to hurry." (Thank you Lori!! She was fast!!)
We had a good laugh about it all. Thankfully, my contractions remained 5-8 mins apart, and I was able to really enjoy everything. We turned on my birth playlist, which consisted of all my favorite mellow worship songs. (Mostly Bethel, of course.)
I got in the tub, and let the water cover my belly with each contraction. It was so soothing.
At first, I tried to break my own water, by pushing with some contractions. But, when Cindi said she would break my water for me, I was ready.
After my water broke, the contractions grew closer together (3-5mins apart), and stronger.
My mom and husband took turns fanning me, and reading my scripture cards aloud.
At the end of reading through the cards again, Jeremy said a sweet prayer inviting the Holy Spirit to come, to fill us, and to be a part of this moment. I felt the atmosphere change, as the presence of God became heavy on me. (I have to note, the song "You know me" by Bethel was on while I was pushing her out. Such a beautiful soundtrack to this miraculous moment!)
Within about 10 minutes Rhema began her entrance. It took over my body. My body began to involuntarily push her out. It flung me backwards, and I might've gone under the water, if Jeremy hadn't caught me! I got vocal, and kept apologizing for it! I had previously asked for my kids to come in the room for this, but quickly decided that they shouldn't. (Gideon has a hard time seeing me sick or hurt, and I didn't want it to scare him.) I had about 3-5 mins between contractions while pushing, which was a wonderful relief. After the first contraction, she was crowning, but Cindi reassured me that she'd go back up some, but then come back down, so not to worry. Next contraction, and her head was out. Everyone exclaimed, "Oh! She turned!!" I reached down and felt her hair. I couldn't wait to meet her! My hands went numb, and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to grab her. After three (total) contractions she was completely out. I reached down and pulled her up to my chest.
I was overwhelmed, and overjoyed!
She was so perfect!
She never cried. She just spit out bubbles, and was happy and content just being with me.
We got to feel her cord stop pulsing, before we cut it. She was measured and weighed.
8lbs 6oz and 21 inches long. My biggest baby so far! But she was also born later than the others, at 41wks+2days.
Gideon and Selah were so excited to finally meet their little sister.
They were waiting just outside of the door, and they all came in just as I was pulling her up, out of the water. Gideon thought it was funny that I was "taking a bath." :)
My momma said a sweet prayer over Rhema and me.
Then, my mom and sisters took my other two kids (Gideon 2 1/2 and Selah 1 1/2) with them to church since it was Wednesday night. And my husband and I enjoyed the next few hours with our newest blessing.
I did have some hemorrhaging problems, and passed out. But, my midwife and two other wonderful birth assistants knew just what to do. They took such great care of me. I got some IV fluids, and a shower, and within a couple hours we were all headed home. Same day. We picked up some dinner and cupcakes on our way to the house. My mom dropped the kids off when church was over. And, I got to sleep in my own bed that night, with my husband. It was a blur of an incredible day. We were now a family of five. Crazy. I am forever grateful to God for how very much He has blessed us!
**Big shout out to my friend Lori Saczynski who left her own (five) children (in trustworthy hands!) and rushed to the birth center to take all of these cherished photos for me! ❤️
***Sorry for the poor quality on the photos. I'm doing all of this from my phone at 1:00 in the morning while Rhema is nursing!
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