Have you ever felt like a season has over-stayed its welcome? Like an annoying “house guest” that doesn’t get the hint, this summer has been too hot, too long. And, let’s talk about fall! Such a tease. My favorite season of all, doesn’t stick around very long in Florida. Right about now, in the raging, humid heat, I begin to yearn for fall. And every ONCE in a while I catch a cool breeze. When the sun has gone down, and the night begins to peek, I hear it whisper through the trees, “I’m just around the corner.”
God created seasons for a reason. Ecclesiastes says that there is a time/season for everything. They ALL serve their purpose. Seasons in life are the same. Right now, my family is in an interesting, and trying season. God is still so good, and continues to walk us through, even when it seems impossible. So far, every difficult time in this season has left us stronger/more dependant on God. He continues to bless us, even when times seem tough! Even financially. We are in the financial “if it’s not one thing, it’s another” stage. We’ve had about all we can take. Just as we start to get back in control, something else goes wrong.
Just like this summer, this season has over-stayed it’s welcome. I pray everyday for financial freedom. I know that it is the Lord’s desire for us! In fact, he put this desire in my heart! He spoke to me in a dream two-three years ago, and promised financial freedom to me and my family. I am now, more than ever, longing to see that day come quickly. I believe it WILL come…And, every now and then I can hear Him whisper, “It’s just around the corner.”
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